Resultados: 2

    WHO treatment guidelines for isoniazid-resistant tuberculosis: Supplement to the WHO treatment guidelines for drug-resistant tuberculosis

    Isoniazid (H) is one of the most important first-line medicines for the treatment of active tuberculosis (TB) and latent TB infection (LTBI), with high bactericidal activity and a good safety profile. The emergence of TB strains resistant to isoniazid threaten to reduce the effectiveness of TB treatment....

    Recommendation on 36 months isoniazid preventive therapy to adults and adolescents living with HIV in resource-constrained and high TB and HIV-prevalence settings: 2015 update

    In 2011 WHO conditionally recommended the use of at least 36 months of isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) (as a proxy for lifelong or continuous treatment) for people living with HIV in high TB-prevalence and transmission settings. The evidence of the benefits and harms of 36-month IPT compared to 6-mont...